Medicinal plants - buy and order medicinal herbs in the online shop

Take advantage of our many years of experience in dealing with medicinal plants and herbs that you receive from us in a high quality. Whether herbal flowers, herb leaves or herb roots. Whether cut medicinal herbs, rubbed medicinal herbs or natura medicinal herbs. We have the whole range of medicinal plants!

Medicinal Herbs

Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa)

Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa)
Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa)

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Chia Salvia Hispanica

Chia Salvia Hispanica
Chia Salvia Hispanica

Chia Seeds - Spanish Sage Hailing from Mexico and Guatemala, Spanish sage, and mainly its seeds, has many health benefits. So let's be on everyone's menu. It can be added to various dishes, including cocktails, salads, groats, muesli or in a comminuted form to thicken soups. Recommended daily intake: The recommended dosage is 3 teaspoons per day for an adult. Due to its cleansing properties, water should be added (approx. 2 liters per day). How To Consume Chia Seeds? The maximum daily consumption should not exceed 15 g (approx. 3 teaspoons). They can be sprinkled on salads or added to desserts. When consuming chia seeds, you should drink 2 liters of water a day. The best results are obtained by consuming foam-jelly, which is made in a ratio of 9: 1. For 9 parts of water we give 1 part of seeds. We can store the foam-jelly in the fridge, but it is most nutritious when it is fresh. It can be added to yoghurts, porridges, jams in a ratio of half and half. We will then get a dish with a mild texture. Foam is a natural emulsifier, it can be added to dishes instead of fat, then it is best to make it in a ratio of 8: 1 How to make chia seed pudding? To make the pudding, pour 9 tablespoons of water into the vessel and add a flat teaspoon of seeds, mix with a whisk so that there are no lumps and set aside for 10 minutes. Mix again. After this time, eat the resulting foam-jelly with a glass of water.

Availability: Large

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Eucalyptus Leaves

Eucalyptus Leaves
Eucalyptus Leaves

Availability: Large

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Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba

Availability: Large

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Herbal Tea For Allergies

Herbal Tea For Allergies
Herbal Tea For Allergies

Availability: Large

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Herbal Tea For Diabetics

Herbal Tea For Diabetics
Herbal Tea For Diabetics

Availability: Large

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Herbal Tea For Heart

Herbal Tea For Heart
Herbal Tea For Heart

Availability: Large

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Herbal Tea For High Blood Pressure

Herbal Tea For High Blood Pressure
Herbal Tea For High Blood Pressure

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Herbal Tea For Menopause

Herbal Tea For Menopause
Herbal Tea For Menopause

Availability: Large

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Herbal Tea For Weight Loss

Herbal Tea For Weight Loss
Herbal Tea For Weight Loss

Availability: Large

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Hoary Rock-Rose (Cistus creticus) Herb

Hoary Rock-Rose (Cistus creticus) Herb
Hoary Rock-Rose (Cistus creticus) Herb

Availability: Large

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Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm

Availability: Large

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Availability: Large

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Lotos Leaf

Lotos Leaf
Lotos Leaf

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Availability: Large

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Nigella Sativa - Black Seed

Nigella Sativa - Black Seed
Nigella Sativa - Black Seed

Black cumin seeds are used as an addition to wheat and rye bread, which they give a distinct, characteristic taste and aroma. Black cumin, also known as black cumin, is also used to flavor wines and in vegetable preserves. In the past, black cumin seeds proved to be a pepper substitute used by people struggling with stomach problems. Black cumin seeds are used in folk medicine and homeopathy. They can be made into infusions or taken in ground form. How to make black cumin infusion? To do this, pour a teaspoon of seeds with 2 cups of water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink half a glass several times a day. How to consume ground seeds? Ground black cumin seeds are eaten 2-3 times a day for less than half a teaspoon with water. The daily dose must not be exceeded.

Availability: Large

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Oak Bark

Oak Bark
Oak Bark

Availability: Out Of Stock



Plantago Ovata

Plantago Ovata
Plantago Ovata

Plantain is a plant grown mainly in India, USA and Brazil. Psyllium shells contain mucilage substances. Plantain ovoid has a high dietary fiber content. Psyllium shells bind water, filling our stomach and intestines. Thanks to this, we feel satiated. Remember that when we eat fiber, we need to drink plenty of water. How to use: Put 3 teaspoons (about 9 g) of seeds into a glass, pour lukewarm water and mix. After 5 minutes, drink it. Use up to 3 times a day, about 20 minutes before a meal. When using the treatment, you should drink min. 2 liters of water a day. Recommended daily allowance: up to 30 g.

Availability: Large

Dispatched within: Next Day



Stress Relief Herbal Tea

Stress Relief Herbal Tea
Stress Relief Herbal Tea

Availability: Large

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Vital Cleansing Fiber

Vital Cleansing Fiber
Vital Cleansing Fiber

The predominant ingredient in Plantago psyllium and Plantago ovata is mucus. It is located in the outer shell of the seeds. Vital Cleansing Fiber is high in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber swells in the stomach by absorbing water, providing a feeling of fullness. The fiber then passes almost unchanged into the colon where it is excreted. Remember that when we consume dietary fiber, we must drink plenty of water. Fiber contributes to an increase in the weight of the stool and to accelerate the intestinal transit.

Availability: Large

Dispatched within: Next Day




In our online shop you will find medicinal herbs and helplants in stripped or cut form. You can also order medicinal herb leaves, herb roots and herbs in kind in our online shop. Do you want to buy a large number of medicinal plants online from us? No problem! Over 10,000 kilograms of the current annual harvest are in stock in our warehouse.


We offer you high quality medicinal herbs and medicinal plants. Our many years of dealing with herbs and medicinal plants therefore make us a good address for everyone who wants to order high-quality natural products at top prices. Convince yourself and take a look at what our online shop has to offer.


It is very important to us that you only order high-quality goods. We take the required quantity from our bulk packs, which are packed in a moisture and air-proof manner, refill them fresh and send them to you. It has never been easier to order top quality medicinal herbs online. See for yourself!

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