Green Tea - Buy Loose Green Tea Online Ireland
High tea art - healthy enjoyment! Green tea is one of the most popular types of tea worldwide. Green tea, especially green tea in organic quality, is a largely natural product full of positive ingredients, great effects and invigorating complexion. The extraordinary wealth of nuances of green tea, the stimulating freshness and the glowing green cup give special tea moments. In our online tea shop you can buy high-quality loose green tea from the most famous tea regions in the world. In addition to conventional green teas, we primarily offer a wide range of green teas with the organic seal.
Green tea from all green tea regions in the world - Buy Green Tea Online
In our online tea shop you can buy classic green teas such as Chinese green tea and Japanese green tea, as well as green tea specialties from South Korea, South India or Nepal. Many of our green teas are already available in organic quality - in addition to the high-quality Japanese green teas, we also have many Chinese organic green teas.
Our green tea range offers something for every taste, whether invigorating, gentle organic green tea from Japan, strong and spicy green tea from China or surprising green tea variants from cultivation areas beyond the celebrities - we only buy the best green tea from selected tea farmers in order to offer you the maximum possible to be able to offer quality and enjoyment.
Green tea has various effects: It is said to help you lose weight and prevent diseases. Find out more about the effects of the tea here.
Green tea: effects and ingredients
- For centuries it has been assumed that the hot beverage from Asia is beneficial for health. In fact, there is something about it:
- Tannins in green tea are said to calm the stomach and intestines.
- Its antibacterial effect is supposed to protect the teeth from tooth decay.
- Green tea not only contains vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin B12, but also flavonoids. These have a positive influence on the metabolic processes in the body and support the immune system. In addition, flavonoids are said to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
For the best effect: prepare green tea correctly
- So that the green tea can develop its health benefits, you should consider the following:
- Don't drink just one cup, drink several throughout the day.
- The water should not be too hot during preparation - 70 degrees are ideal.
- So that it doesn't become too bitter, green tea should not steep for longer than 90 seconds.
- Do not add more than 11 to 13 grams of loose green tea to one quart of water.
Green tea has an effect on the body and soul
Green tea is becoming increasingly popular because of its digestible and beneficial properties. In China, as in Japan, this tea plant was valued about five thousand years ago for its special health benefits. Meanwhile, green tea can be found on every well-stocked tea menu and connoisseurs appreciate not only the effect, but also the good taste of the tea. The effects of tea on the body are described as balancing and invigorating and it is used consciously to improve health.
Green tea is used to prevent and relieve various ailments. It contributes to lowering the cholesterol level and, due to the high content of antioxidants, it helps to neutralize the free radicals in the blood. Another positive effect is the stimulation of the metabolism, which supports fat burning. As a result, green tea is a helpful companion for unpleasant weight loss.
Furthermore, the insulin level is stabilized and type 2 diabetes is prevented. Regular consumption of this health-promoting drink can also have a preventive effect against arteriosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and certain cancers.
In addition to the antibacterial properties of green tea and its positive effect on the immune system, the stimulation of the metabolism and the protection of the liver against toxins are other important factors.
Do you want to know more about green tea? Click Here
Green tea - healing properties and preparation
The properties of green tea and its healing effects have been appreciated for millennia. Green tea has gained the greatest popularity as a means of slimming and cleansing the body of toxins. What other properties does green tea have? What are its disadvantages? How is green tea brewed? How much to drink to bring health benefits?
Green tea is a concept that covers various types of tea. The types of green tea differ in terms of the appearance of the leaves, the color of the infusion, its taste, smell and caffeine content. It all depends on the time of year and time of day when tea leaves are collected (apparently the most expensive types of green teas come from leaves harvested at dawn and sprinkled with morning dew), the age of the collected leaves, their taste, and the way they are rolled. The region of the world where green tea comes from (and thus - the climatic zone in which it is grown) is also of great importance.
To produce green tea, the leaves are processed no later than an hour after they have been picked, before they start to ferment. Due to the fact that green tea leaves are not fermented, almost all valuable substances are preserved in them. And there are quite a few of them.
According to the Japanese, regular drinking of green tea supports the treatment of over 60 diseases.
- a unique set of polyphenols with various effects and catechins,
- strong antioxidants,
- tannins,
- alkaloids,
- lipids,
- amino acids
- teina,
- vitamins: A, B, C, E,
- numerous micronutrients: calcium, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, fluorine.
Thanks to this rich set of ingredients, green tea has gained recognition in the eyes of scientists who are still discovering its new properties.
Green tea and slimming
Green tea is recommended for weight loss, especially drunk at night, before going to bed. However, if we drink green tea overnight, choose the one from the second brewing. Then it has calming and relaxing properties. The one from the first brewing has a stimulating and refreshing effect. Green tea owes its slimming properties to catechins, especially to a substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Catechins contained in green tea have a significant and multidirectional effect on the reduction of body fat. They inhibit the absorption of fats from food and increase their use by the body. In addition, green tea increases the activity of some enzymes involved in digestion, has a positive effect on liver metabolism, increases thermogenesis and accelerates the oxidation of fats. This is confirmed by both experiments conducted on cell lines and animal models,
EGCG catechins contained in green tea have a significant effect on reducing the number and volume of adipose tissue cells.
At the same time, scientists point out that the conclusions drawn from experiments on in vitro models and laboratory animals cannot always be applied to the human body. The use of stimulants such as cigarettes and alcohol is significantly involved in lowering the body's antioxidant potential, including reducing the antioxidant effect of green tea catechins. So if we want to lose weight with green tea, it is better to avoid stimulants.
Labels on tea: check what you are buying
On the tea packaging, next to its name, the country of origin of the raw material and the name of the producer, we also find additional symbols.
- Blend - a mixture of different teas.
- Broken (B) - dried leaves that make a very strong infusion.
- Dust - The tiniest tea crumbs from the last sifting. They are very fermented and therefore give a strong brew after a short brewing. Express teas are most often made from them.
- Fannings - crushed siftings of tea leaves, give a strongly colored aromatic drink.
- Flowery (F) - tea containing the youngest shoots, the so-called flashlights with a donut and two leaves.
- Golden (G) - high-quality tea with an amber infusion.
- Orange (O) - has nothing to do with orange, it means a royal kind of tea obtained from the second leaves on the twig.
- Pekoe - dried from thick and short leaves.
- Pure - without any admixtures, i.e. a tea of one type with a natural aroma.
- Souchong (S) - tea containing large, hard, longitudinally curled leaves with uneven edges. This is also the name of Chinese smoke teas.
- Specjal or Supreme - a unique and perfect tea, but it should be treated rather as an incentive to buy than specifying the type of tea raw material.
- Tip (T) - the highest quality tea, obtained from undeveloped leaf buds or containing significant admixtures of them.
Green tea extends life and protects against dementia The Japanese believe that drinking 4 to 10 cups of this drink a day has a positive effect on health and extends human life by an average of 3 years. The Dutch say that four cups a day reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis. So scientists recommend drinking a few glasses of green tea each day for your enjoyment and health.
In Japan, the tea leaves are steam blanched before drying. In China, they are dried for 4-5 minutes on sun-heated or fire-heated bamboo trays, and then further processed in coilers or in hot kettles.
Current research shows that green tea may protect the brain against various forms of senile dementia. It has been shown that polyphenols bind to toxic components (hydrogen peroxide and beta-amyloid) that play an important role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. After being absorbed by the body, polyphenols break down into a harmless mixture of compounds.
Green tea reduces the risk of developing cancer
International research on the properties of green tea has shown its anti-cancer effect. This is due to, among others very strong antioxidants that protect DNA against the effects of carcinogens and changes that may lead to the development of cancer. In particular, their protective effect against skin cancer, mainly caused by UV radiation, is well documented. It has been found that drinking green tea on a regular basis significantly reduces the likelihood of developing this cancer, and also prevents sunburn.
Important: Green tea - brewing
For the preparation of the infusion, the best water is soft, low in calcium and not chlorinated. Unfortunately, our taps run on hard water with a high chlorine content. If it is not possible to filter it, use mineral, still, with a low calcium content. The infusion is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of dried fruit is poured over a glass of water with a temperature of 80 degrees C. Green tea is not poured with boiling water! It should be fresh water, boiled once. The tea should be brewed for no more than 3-4 minutes. Too strong it has the aftertaste of spinach or algae. It is enough to dilute it with water and it will gain flavor.
Can green tea be brewed multiple times?
The first brew should be poured out as it washes the leaves of dirt. However, don't worry, you can brew green tea leaves several times. This is what the greatest gourmets do, i.e. the Chinese and the Japanese. The re-brewed tea is just as rich and even richer in minerals than the first brew. These include, in particular, manganese and fluoride, which are rare in food. However, it is worth remembering that moist green tea leaves cannot be stored for more than 12 hours, because fungi develop on them later. It is worth knowing that the better the quality of the tea leaves, the better the taste of the infusion and the more brewing you can make.
You shouldn't add lemon to green tea! Then the infusion becomes acidic, and thus the aluminum gets from the leaves to the infusion. It should also not be drunk with milk, as it reduces the activity and absorption of beneficial polyphenols.
Green tea - doping for the brain
Tea stimulates and refreshes thanks to the high content of theine, which acts in the same way as the caffeine in coffee.
Experience has shown that tea stimulates the mind to such an extent that during various types of tests we make significantly fewer mistakes, even up to 25%.
Tea leaves, both black and green, have 2.5 to 4 percent theine, about 80 percent of which goes into the infusion during brewing. A cup of tea contains 30 to 100 mg of theine. After drinking it, the mental and physical abilities of the body increase, and the feeling of drowsiness, weariness and exhaustion passes. Theine not only facilitates the learning process and improves the ability to associate, but also regulates the work of the intestines, and alleviates various types of pain in some people. However, only fresh infusion stimulates, and it is obtained after 3 minutes at most. Brewed tea has a relaxing effect for longer.
Green tea supports the circulatory system
The unique set of valuable substances makes green tea invaluable in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It prevents the deposition of deposits on the walls of blood vessels, which increases their permeability. It inhibits the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream, reduces the viscosity of platelets, preventing the formation of clots. As a result, drinking green tea prevents hypertension, lowers the risk of heart attack, coronary heart disease and stroke.
Good to know Green tea - disadvantages
- Green tea is not without its drawbacks. It also has negative properties. If consumed in excess, green tea can:
- cause anemia - the catechins in green tea reduce the absorption of iron from food by the body
- negatively affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy and newborns during lactation - the tannin contained in green tea in excessive amounts may harm the baby
- cause stomach problems - the tannins contained in green tea irritate the stomach, so it should not be drunk on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach
- interact with drugs, e.g. it may reduce the effect of drugs on high blood pressure
- cause osteoporosis - green tea leaches calcium from the body, therefore its excessive consumption may lead to osteoporosis
Green tea prevents periodontitis
The compounds contained in green tea neutralize bacteria in the mouth that could contribute to gingivitis and the development of periodontitis. At the same time, they counteract unpleasant odors. What's more - green tea also has anti-caries properties. This is due to the antibacterial action of polyphenols and the high content of fluoride. So let's not only drink the tea infusion, but also use it as a mouthwash
Green tea improves the appearance of the skin
Green tea is a very attractive ingredient in cosmetics. As it provides numerous antioxidants that eliminate the damaging effects of free radicals, creams with its addition protect the skin against photoaging - delay the appearance of wrinkles and discoloration. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, green tea extracts are used in cosmetics intended for the care of oily and acne-prone skin.
Green tea counteracts cellulite
Green tea infusion has a diuretic effect, which contributes to the elimination of swelling. At the same time, it has cleansing properties - it removes toxins accumulated in the tissues. As a result, it is an effective weapon against cellulite, prevents its formation and smoothes the skin.
Who Can't Drink Green Tea?
People should limit drinking strong tea, both green and black:
- older
- heart sick
- with hypertension
- with glaucoma
It is also not the best drink for a developing organism. Therefore, children under the age of 10 should not be given tea at all. The older ones can drink a glass of weak tea from time to time. Green tea should be brewed for the second or third time. An important advantage for older children to drink it is the content of tannin and fluoride to prevent tooth decay. You can buy green tea without theine in stores and anyone can drink it without restrictions.
Worth knowing Green tea - the most popular species in the world
The most popular green teas come from China and Japan. In China, they are harvested in 18 regions, such as Sichuan, Yunnan, Anhui, Fujian, Hunan and Zhejiang. Those originating from the Land of the Rising Sun are grown on the islands of Kyushu and Shikoku and in the middle part of the island of Honshu. In addition, green tea is also grown in India, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam, Argentina and Iran.
Sencha, originating from Japan, is by far the most popular type of green tea in the world. Its infusion has a vivid green color and has a distinctive, yet delicate flavor. The tea is brewed for 2 minutes at 65-70 degrees C.
Another popular type of green tea - Gunpowder - comes from the Chinese province of Anhwei. The leaves of this tea are rolled very tightly in the shape of very small balls, hence its common name. When brewed, it gives a golden, amber infusion with a very strong, tart taste. The tea is brewed for 3-4 minutes at 80-90 degrees Celsius.
Another very well-known type of green tea is Kukicha, which is grown in the Land of the Rising Sun. It is made not only from the leaves of the tea plant, but also from their stems (kuki is a stem in Japanese). The light yellow infusion has a mild taste as it contains little caffeine. Therefore, it can be given to children. The tea should be brewed for one minute at a temperature of up to 90 degrees C.
Longjing (also known as Lung Ching) is also on the list of the most popular green teas in the world. Dragon Well - as its name is literally translated - comes from the Chinese province of Zhejiang and is the oldest and most popular type of green tea in this country. It has a bright, straw color and a mild aroma. This type of tea is brewed for 3 minutes at 65-80 degrees C.