Garlic: a natural antibiotic. Medicinal properties of garlic

Garlic is an absolute leader in the world of medicinal plants: it is a natural antibiotic, inhibits the growth of bacteria, fights infections, lowers blood pressure. Even those people who do not like the specific smell of garlic cannot deny it its unusual properties.


Colorful Garlic

Colorful Garlic
Colorful Garlic

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Dried Garlic Flake

Dried Garlic Flake
Dried Garlic Flake

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Granulated Garlic

Granulated Garlic
Granulated Garlic

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Ground Garlic

Ground Garlic
Ground Garlic

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Wild Garlic

Wild Garlic
Wild Garlic

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Why is garlic constantly popular? It is enough to eat only one clove of garlic a day to feel its beneficial effect on health in a short time.

This small clove contains the entire pharmacy - flavonoid compounds, amino acids, saponins, sugars, mucus compounds, vitamins (B1, B2, PP, vitamin C, provitamin A), numerous mineral salts (including potassium, calcium, magnesium) ) and rare microelements (including cobalt, chromium, nickel).

But the most valuable in garlic are its essential oils rich in sulfides and allicin, a compound with a characteristic pungent smell. Raw garlic is the healthiest, but due to its specific smell, not accepted by everyone, we rarely eat it in this form.

Fortunately, as an alternative, we have many odorless preparations containing pure freeze-dried garlic or in the form of oil macerate, as well as many preparations where garlic is one of the main ingredients.

Garlic helps fight infection

Research has shown that garlic is very effective in preventing and combating respiratory viral infections. This is due to volatile sulfur compounds and essential oils. Therefore, in the autumn and winter season, garlic should appear on our menu for good.

Similarly, during a cold or flu - warm milk with a crushed garlic clove facilitates expectoration, warms up, increases sweating, reduces fever, and clears the respiratory tract.

Also read: Pickled garlic - an antibiotic and probiotic in one

Garlic protects against heart attacks and strokes

Garlic has anticoagulant properties similar to aspirin - it significantly reduces blood viscosity. But that's not all - it also acts on the vascular endothelium, causing the blood vessels to relax, which in turn can prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Additionally, it reduces atherosclerotic changes. Studies have shown that eating garlic on a regular basis improves the elasticity of blood vessel walls, which improves blood flow.

Garlic supports digestion

Garlic has a very positive effect on the digestive system - it accelerates and intensifies the secretion of bile, improves the work of the intestines and thus prevents the formation of unpleasant flatulence. That is why it is a great addition not only to meats, but also to many other fatty and hard to digest dishes.

Garlic destroys intestinal parasites

Thanks to its extremely strong bactericidal effect, garlic is a very effective weapon against parasites of the digestive system: pinworms, roundworms and even tapeworms.

In case of suspicion of such a condition, drink garlic tincture soaked in a glass of water overnight on an empty stomach for several weeks, eat a few cloves of raw garlic or drink milk boiled with garlic.

Garlic lowers blood pressure

Garlic not only acts on the vascular endothelium, causing the relaxation of blood vessels, but also inhibits the ACE enzyme, which is involved in the regulation of blood pressure.

Studies conducted in many research centers have shown that regular consumption of garlic can lower blood pressure by up to 10 percent. and thus prevent a heart attack. This is especially true of people with diagnosed atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels who have already had one infarction.

This will be useful to you

Medicinal garlic tincture recipe

100 g of crushed garlic pour 1/2 liter of pure vodka. Put the dish in a warm place for 10 days; shake it occasionally. Filter, store the tincture in the refrigerator. Twice a day, take 10-20 drops in 1/4 cup of water to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. The tincture is also anti-atherosclerotic and helps with rheumatic pains. After a month of treatment, you should take a break of several weeks.

Garlic inhibits the growth of bacteria

The essential oils rich in sulfur compounds contained in garlic are an excellent natural antibiotic, even stronger than penicillin. They inhibit the growth of the most dangerous bacteria - staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, coliform bacteria, pebbles - which are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. At the same time, as confirmed by clinical trials, garlic has no side effects typical of chemical antibiotics - it does not destroy the natural bacterial flora.

Garlic has anti-cancer properties

Garlic destroys bacteria as resistant to various substances as the gastric Helicobacter pylori, responsible for cancer of this organ. It is also due to the large amount and variety of powerful antioxidants that not only inhibit carcinogenesis, but also stimulate the immune system to fight cancer cells.

As a result - as studies have shown - regular consumption of garlic or taking garlic extracts can significantly reduce the risk of stomach cancer, colon cancer and colon cancer.

Garlic rejuvenates

Thanks to the abundance of antioxidants, garlic not only fights free radicals, but also inhibits the formation of new ones, which delays the aging process of the body, including of course the skin. It also provides many vitamins and minerals important for a nice looking skin. It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and improves blood circulation, which prevents the formation of varicose veins and the appearance of spider veins on the skin.

Garlic's disinfecting properties mean that rinsing the crushed cloves with water helps heal acne or fungal lesions.

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