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What are the properties of dried fruit? Is it worth eating them?

What are the nutritional values of dried fruit and how does it affect your health? Is it worth eating dried fruit, despite its high amount of calories? What do they contain and to whom are they recommended? Here's what you need to know about the health benefits of prunes, apples, apricots and grapes.

Dried fruit is a great alternative to fresh fruit, especially at a time when no fresh seasonal fruit is available. They have a very high content of fiber, minerals, vitamins, but also calories. Such a large amount (300 to even 500 kcal per 100 grams) is caused by the loss of water which provides volume to fresh fruit, and which is negligible in dried fruit. If dried fruit is properly processed, without the use of unnecessary, harmful preservatives, they can be really healthy. It is worth taking a closer look at the most popular of them.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits - properties, types

Dried fruit is available to consumers all year round. They are delicious, sweet, filling and give us a lot of good, but be careful not to eat too much of them.

1. Health properties of dried fruit

Dried fruits were known thousands of years ago. Thanks to drying, people could enjoy their favorite fruit all year round. It is true that dried fruits are slightly more caloric, but because of their sweet taste, we will not eat too much of them.

Dried fruit adds a lot of energy and contains the most important and most valuable nutrients for health. They have almost no fat, but they are full of fiber that is beneficial for the digestive system.

Regular consumption of dried fruit can improve your health and prevent many serious diseases. However, it should be remembered that the best choice are natural fruits, i.e. BIO or those in which we do not find sodium sulphate.

2. Various types of dried fruit

Dried Dates

Dried dates are a great choice for athletes. Eaten before training, they will give you energy, while eaten immediately afterwards replenish glycogoen. They are a great choice for pregnant women as they provide large amounts of folic acid. It is said that eating one dried date a day will keep your eyesight in good condition for the rest of your life.


A very popular dried grape. And that's good, because they contain large amounts of antioxidants with anti-cancer properties. In addition, rich in B vitamins and calcium - the main building block of bones.

Dried apricots

Apparently, it is to them that the Greeks owe their longevity and smooth, radiant skin. Rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin A, in such huge amounts that already 4 apricots cover the daily requirement for this vitamin. It will be especially helpful for people with skin problems, acne and eyesight. As an extremely alkaline fruit, they are recommended for stomach ailments such as hyperacidity and heartburn

Dried cranberries - this is a fruit that perfectly fights urinary problems and infections, because its tart and sour taste helps fight bacteria. It also contains bioflavonoids that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, dried cranberries have a positive effect on the condition of the teeth.

Dried fruits are a wealth of valuable vitamins and microelements, we replace them with sweets that are harmful to health, but when buying dried fruits, carefully read their composition to make sure that they are not sweetened. Dried fruit is a great addition to many dishes.

Dried figs

Dried figs are beneficial for the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Among all dried fruits, figs contain the most calcium, which means they will be the most suitable for improving the health of teeth and bones. Young children, the elderly, or those struggling with brittle bones should consume dried figs regularly. These fruits also contain large amounts of fiber, which speeds up and regulates the intestines. Thanks to the potassium they contain, they help fight hypertension.

Dried plums

They contain a huge amount of fiber, which is why they are recommended for constipation. They give you a feeling of fullness very quickly. In addition, they contain large amounts of B vitamins, vitamins C, E, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. They are a great healthy snack for people who are slimming.

Dried apples

An English proverb says that one apple a day prevents disease and frequent visits to the doctor. There is a lot of truth to this. Dried apples work like medicine. They prevent cancer, aid digestion, cleanse the digestive system of undigested debris, lower cholesterol and improve heart function.

Goji berries

Goji berries have been used for 2,500 years in Asian countries. They grow on a plant called wolfberry or scarlet fever. They taste much like cranberries, but are less sweet. Goji berries can be eaten like any other dried fruit - raw. They are a great addition to rice, soup, chicken and beef or mixed with vegetables. Berries can be eaten raw as a snack or added to, for example, yoghurt or dessert. have been used for 2,500 years in Asian countries. They grow on a plant called wolfberry or scarlet fever. They taste much like cranberries, but are less sweet. Goji berries can be eaten like any other dried fruit - raw. They are a great addition to rice, soup, chicken and beef or mixed with vegetables. Berries can be eaten raw as a snack or added to, for example, yoghurt or dessert.

Dried fruit on your diet - when to avoid them?

Of course, it is a basic rule for all healthy people to eat dried fruit in moderation. These products provide many valuable nutrients and can support and improve the functioning of the body, but only when consumed in small amounts. Although dried fruit can support effective weight loss, people on a slimming diet should limit their food, although they are certainly a good alternative to sweets.

The same is true for diabetics. It is recommended that dried fruit in diabetes be consumed in small amounts. These are products with a high glycemic index that people with diabetes must beware of.

In addition, dried fruit, especially those that have a laxative effect, should be considered by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases associated with diarrhea, e.g. diarrheal irritable bowel. Eating dried fruit, incl. plums can lead to a strong purgation, and as a result, weakening and exhaustion of the body.

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